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Carnival! 🌍Following the dancing, singing and music we all enjoyed a range of exciting stalls, games and activities!#HPAHP


Carnival Y5 and Y6Finally we ended up in Pakistan with Year 5 and Barbados with Year 6!🇵🇰 🇧🇧 🇵🇰🇧🇧🇵🇰🇧🇧🇵🇰🇧🇧🇵🇰🇧🇧🇵🇰🇧🇧#HPAHP


Carnival - Y3 and Y4 🌍Year 3 took us to South Africa and Year 4 took us to Colombia.🇿🇦 🇨🇴 🇿🇦🇨🇴🇿🇦🇨🇴🇿🇦🇨🇴🇿🇦🇨🇴Our Y4 students also showcased their Ukulele learning from year!🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶#HPAHP


Carnival - Y1 and Y2 🌍Year 1 celebrated France and our Year 2 children took us to a whole new continent as they showcased New Zealand!🇫🇷 🇳🇿 🇫🇷🇳🇿🇫🇷🇳🇿🇫🇷🇳🇿🇫🇷🇳🇿🇫🇷#HPAHP


Carnival - Reception! 🌍Our Reception children started our world tour by taking us to Romania.🇷🇴 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴Their costumes and dance represented everything they have been learning about the country in recent weeks!#HPAHP


Carnival! 🌍 This afternoon we went on a global tour as we celebrated our rich and diverse culture at HPAHP!The children sang, the children danced and the whole school community came together for an afternoon of fun!Thanks to everyone who took part!#HPAHP


Dulwich Picture Gallery 🖼️ Last week some of our Y1 pupils visited to take part in an art workshop. They experimented with a range of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces!#HPAHP


Carnival Costumes! 🎪 🎨 Linked to our Community Champions theme for July, our carnival is only a few weeks away!This afternoon, we were delighted to welcome parents and carers into school to create our costumes!#HPAHP


HPAHP Nursery! 🏗️ Preparation for September is well under way. The building work is progressing at a rapid speed as we get our new Nursery provision ready!We have a very limited number of PM spaces available. Contact the school office for more info!


Royal Opera House! 🎶 Our Year 5 pupils had an incredible experience at the on Friday.Mr Hollis, from , has created this video to celebrate the day!


Royal Opera HouseToday, our Year 5 pupils joined forces with schools from across the at the .They performed The Magic Flute in unison with other Year 5 children.Incredible experience!!#HPAHP


ITE StudentsYesterday, we had the pleasure of welcoming secondary trainees from . They spent the day at HPAHP to experience what life was like in a primary school. It was a great day and the children loved talking about their learning!#HPAHP


Dapo!We love reading at HPAHP. We also love Dapo Adeola who we have named a class after. This week, our Year 2 children had the pleasure of meeting at Battersea Arts Centre!#HPAHP


Dulwich Picture Gallery 🖼️ This week, our Year 6 children visited Dulwich Picture Gallery. They took part in an art workshop around the theme of identity.#HPAHP


Class Photos 📸 Class photos are scheduled for Wednesday 19th June 2024.#HPAHP


Kingswood 2024 🚌 We are on our way back. We think some kind of the children (and staff) might be a little bit tired!!#HPAHP


Sports Day 2024 🥇🥈🥉Our annual Sports Day event is scheduled to take place on Thursday 4th July 2024.As in previous years, it will take place at Whitgift School.AM - Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6PM - Rec, Y1 and Y2More information to follow!


Kingswood 2024Team tech - can they complete the challenge and get all the moving parts working?#HPAHP


Kingswood 2024The sky might be slightly more grey today but that hasn’t dampened the energy of the children. The leap of faith first up today!#HPAHP


Kingswood 2024 🪩 The final evening of the trip saw us celebrate in style. A disco with some of our local Harris friends from Croydon.#HPAHp

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Our Curriculum

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure comprehensive coverage of the National Curriulum. In fact, due to our careful sequencing we are able to exceed these expectations in each of our subjects.  We use the National Curriculum as a starting point rather than a limit to what we cover in each subject. We have worked with our partner schools across the Federation, and our central team of subject experts, to build our own curriculum. We build on the work of external experts for our phonics, reading and mathematics teaching. All other subjects are taught using our in house plans and progression. Each subject is taught discretely and weekly to support children in remembering the key knoweldge and skills they need to fulfil our intent.

Reading is at the heart of everything we do at Haling Park, as we recognise that excellent reading skills unlock the possibiites of the rest of the curriculum for our children. 

We are clear that the start of the curriculum journey for each subject begins in EYFS, so whilst still following the EYFS framework, the foundations of each subject are carefully sequenced in Reception.

We have a mastery mindset for every subject- meaning we have the same high expectations for every child- scaffolding and supporting the least able to enable them to meet each objective. For us, mastery means that children are able to articulate their learning, make links between knowledge they have learnt in different subjects and remember the key knowledge and skills required to be a master in each subject.

At HPAHP mastery also means deepening children's knowledge and understanding rather than accelerating them through the curriculum. For example, our most able mathematicians won't ever move on to the maths that is expected of the next year group, instead they will develop a deeper understading of the current year groups objectives. This is a decision we have made as we approach our curriculum as a narrative model. The analaogy we use is this- You can't understand Chapter 5 of a book if you havent already read Chapters 1-4. As such, the deeper the understanding of Year 4 maths objectives we can give our children the better prepared they will be for the demands of the Year 5 maths objectives. We apply this model to every subject in the curriculum. 

We have developed a range of strategies that we use across all of our curriculum subejcts that help us to ensure that chidren know more and remember more as they move through our curriculum.

We look forward to offering you the opportunity to talk to our children about their learning when you come to visit us on an open morning.

We use Ruth Miskin's Read Write Inc programme to deliver our phonic teaching. you can find more information about the scheme at

SMSC and British values are thread throughout our curriculum so that they become an integral part of our curriuculum planning and implementation.


Harris Primary Academy Haling Park Equality Curriculum Intent

Harris Primary Academy Haling Park welcomes all children and values them as individuals, treating them equally and with respect.

We believe that all children have the right to have their own needs incorporated into their curriculum in order to achieve success through the following approaches;

  • Provide an accessible environment, which is secure and safe, so that all our children can flourish.
  • We believe that all teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs and it is therefore a whole school responsibility to ensure that these children’s needs are addressed.
  • Through staff working together as a team, and in partnership with pupils and their parents and carers, we strive to ensure that our aims are met.
  • Ensure all staff are aware of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting and valuing equality and diversity.
  • Promote early identification of children with additional needs to ensure interventions are in place to address their needs.
  • Monitor the progress of all our children to ensure they are meeting their full potential. - Work with all external agencies and organisations
  • To build relationships with other schools within our community.
  • We ensure that our curriculum is fully inclusive and will not discriminate against the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
  • Our inclusive teaching approach ensures that all children can access the learning using resources and strategies that they may need, including modified language, additional support or resource.
  • Follow the guidance in the SEN Code of Practice, Equalities Act 2010 and The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.